Thursday, October 29, 2009

Saturated Fatty Acid and Soluble Fiber Intake as Lipid Profile Determinant Factor for Dislipidemia Outpatient.


Background : Dislipidemia is one of coronary heart disease risk factor. Fatty acid intakes consisted of by saturate fatty acid, mono unsaturated fatty acid, poly unsaturated fatty acid and trans fatty acid, and soluble fiber is one of factor can give effect to lipid profile in blood.

Objective : Find out the saturated fatty acid and soluble fiber intake as lipid profile determinant factor dislipidemia outpatient..

Method : Design of this study is cross sectional with 39 sample by consecutive sampling, what consisted of outpatient Sambas Hospital. Data was analyzed by correlation analysis Pearson product moment and rank spearman analysis. Multivariate was analyzed by linear regression.

Result : There were the relation of SFA, TFA and soluble fiber intake with total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol and triglyceride, while MUFA and PUFA only relate to total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol. There is no relation between MUFA and PUFA intake with HDL cholesterol and triglyceride. Determinant factor multivariate analysis total cholesterol rate and LDL cholesterol is soluble dietary fiber ( R2 Adjusted = 0,771 and R2 Adjusted = 0,814), HDL cholesterol rate is soluble fiber and saturate fatty acid ( R2 Adjusted = 0,889), while triglyceride rate determinant factor is saturate fatty acid ( R2 Adjusted = 0,77)

Conclusion : SFA intake as determinant factor HDL cholesterol and triglyceride, while soluble fiber intake as total cholesterol determinant factor, LDL cholesterol and HDL cholesterol.

Key Word : Saturated Fatty acid intake, soluble fiber, lipid profile, dislipidemia patients, outpatien.